Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Marketing- who are you REALLY trying to reach?

I have watched a few TV shows in my day, and I can't help but notice all those "stupid" Truth ads. Somehow, as much as I hate them, I can't help but watch them and think to myself- wow, who are cigarette companies really gearing themselves towards? And not just cigarette companies, any company for that matter.
We all know you cannot legally drink until the age of 21, so why does Bud Light have singing frogs that would clearly attract a younger crowd? It is obvious- because before a company even thinks to sell a product, they think to pound their name brand into your head. Do I have Geico auto insurance? No, I'm not old enough- but the talking gecco really makes me want it over All State, where instead they show accidents happening. (that scares me almost) So even though I don't own any of them, in the companies minds they have succeeded, by just engulfing me with ads to the point where I feel like I would be able to make a decision on which insurance I'd want. (When clearly my decision is based on a little green talking lizzard.)
All this makes me wonder, how is the success of a company measured? It cannot be completely net profit, it must be - in large part, advertising. Or can it? One of the most successful companies yet is Wal Mart, and I can tell you their commercials spark no sense of emotion in me what so ever. In fact, I'd go as far as to say in my mind they are one of Wal Marts greatest flaws.
How are we supposed to live normal lives when the average person sees over hundreds of ads per day and while doing so forms habitual opinions? How are we not supposed to form bonds with some companies and gain bias opinions against others based soley on how they choose to represent theselves on national television?

1 comment:

Professor Sanghvi said...

i really liked this piece. i like for several reasons - first of all, i can see your thought process as you write. i think a good blog reaches and connects with its audience if they can relate to it. and by understanding how you think - i can relate to this blog.
second, its not just about the class discussion but about various brands you encounter and your insights on what you observe. great work!

finally, it would be interesting to see if geico actually has a younger audience of first time insurance buyers compared to allstate which might have a more mature audience and hence the difference in the advertising approaches.

And I agree, Wal-Mart's greatest weakness is its marketing dept - they can't seem to plan, implement or execute.