Thursday, December 13, 2007


So, after a whoe semester, HOW IS SHE!? She is ok. She isnt anything special anymore, in fact, she seems to have lost some of her luster. The commercials of her have died down, as has the media hype, and in all she has become just another line in the racks of Kohls. Sad. But it was her career choice to make, and the truth is she is still getting some credit for it!
In a "How to get the look for less" article in Marie Claire this month they showed one of her dresses that is a litte over 100 dollars. It was ok, it didn't do anything for me, especially not for 100 dollars.
However, everytime I have been to Kohls her line has been on sale. Probably because nothing is its original price at that store. And let me tell you years ago SALE was a four letter word for Vera.
Bust or Must- the Vera Wang line.
Bust. Sorry Vera, try Old Navy.


I have found it very fun to blog this semester, it surely beats writing papers! I wish our blogs, however, could be individual, it makes it for a more personal touch, and feel. I also wish they could have been discussed more, I think many peoples blogs would be a great topic for discussion, and athough we promised to follow Vera in our first blogs, we never did. I guess that gives me an idea for my last one!
In all this whole experience has been a fun one. I think writing and publishing your ideas is a great way to practice our free specch and expand on ideas and our own thoughts!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

RCS 362

I saw that Christie wrote about the class, so I decided I would like to as well. I surprisingly found this to be one of the best classes I've had here at UNCG. I think they way it was set up, as group discussions helped me learn through experience as opposed to just text, and I really felt it stuck more with me. I like the structure of the class where we got to express our feelings about certain things, in a way which seemed to teach the other students in the class. The only thing I would do differently is the projects. I loved the project but I feel like we should have done it individually. We all have such great ideas I felt it limited us to have to only use one persons idea!

Ambush marketing, good idea?

I hate those head-on commercials, "Head on apply directly to forehead" repeated about 5 times. Sometimes I see two or three back to back, and during EVERY commercial break on national stations in the morning. I am beginning to wonder when enough is enough. Yes, I know the brand, I even know how to use the brand, but will I ever buy it- NO! So what is the point, repeated a phrase is not going to get anyone to buy it, they need a new marketing plan, especially since I just saw a new commercial for another one of their products called active-on. They have fake doctors saying it works, come on! They need a new marketing campaign, then maybe people will start buying their products as opposed to flipping the channel everytime it comes on.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Holiday shopping

Tis' the season to be shopping, but some consumers aren't doing so this year. I worked at the Gap on Black Friday at the mall in Greensboro, and there were not as many shoppers as there were last yearl. Our store sales were down by about $10,000, and other stores in the mall had decreases in saled as well. I still plan to shop in malls for my Christmas gifts, but I think with the increase in gas prices and other factors keep consumers in doors, maybe to do online shopping. I'm sure there will be a rush closer toward the big day, and I will probably be one of them!

RCS 362

I thought I would comment on the class and what I thought about it overall. I have to say that this course was one of the more interesting that I have taken at UNCG. It was very student oriented, which is great, and the discussions in class were always interesting. I felt that I learned more than what was on the pages of our book (which I sold back for 50$!!) and that to me is very important. I'm glad that I was able to take this course, and now that I have learned about MarCom, I see it everywhere. I never used to notice much about ads, but it is clear that a lot of thought and work is put into creating effective advertisements.

Friday, November 30, 2007


It is amazing how much news can change depending on where you read. Growing up on the outskirts of NYC I have learned not to believe 99 percent of the news I hear, and sadly all that news is directed towards negative things, like murders, kidnaps, etc. I feel like the media targets a specific audience depending on where it is located, and it varies from location to location.
However, national news seems to target everyone in the country, and even though it may have a great reputation (NY Times) It still seems to have issues able fabricating stories and lies.
I think that BBC is the only fair news network in the world. We as Americans like to see ourselves on top, and our national news' seem to portray an image of the US being the best. But the truth is we are not, and realisticly BBC is right when they run stories against us. BBC is a reailty check for us Americans.
Don't get me wrong, I love our country, but we were born being told many lies about our country, and that just seems so wrong. BBC needs to bring its real news over to the USA.